Behavioral Psychology and ESL.

julio 21, 2017

These are my notes, some of them are extracted from other blogs, books, and etcetera, this is only a resume of all of them. 

Behavioral psychology started in 1913 when John Watson wrote an essay about it. 
It is the idea or conception that all actions done by man or animal are all learned behaviors, and can be learned or unlearned. 

Ivan Pavlov: He was a Russian physiologist who was studying his dogs and he wrote a theory about his findings. 
Pavlov started feeding his dogs while ringing a bell, eventually, the dogs learned to associate the sound of the ring bell with the food, as a result, the dogs salivated, (preparing their stomachs to receive food) every time that the bell rang whether there was food or not. 
This process was resumed in three steps: 
Stage 1: 

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